Ways to Support CISPA

There are many ways to support Communities In Schools of Pennsylvania. By engaging and investing in CISPA in a way that is meaningful to you, you will join us to keep students in school and on track to graduate on time!

Donate Online

Donations will be used for emergency situations, hygiene items, clothing, school supplies, and other basic needs to help our students have what they need to succeed in school and in life! Click the button below to learn more about Honor Roll Society, our monthly giving program.

Mail Your Gift

If you prefer to write a personal check, you can mail it to us at:
Communities in Schools of Pennsylvania
234 State Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101

Donate Supplies

Check out our donation guide to see basic items needed most by the students and families we serve or purchase something from our Amazon Wishlist to support our site staff’s programming.


Partnerships are the cornerstone of the work that CISPA does. Our relationships with corporate partners and locally-owned businesses connect kids to new resources and relationships every day. Reach out to us for more information!

Earned Income Tax Credit

Learn more about how EITC funds can support CISPA programming.

Keep in Touch

Stay informed by signing up for our email list in the footer below!

Justin Croson #AllinforKids Fund

In honor of Justin Croson, this fund supports youth in The School District of the City of York by providing the guidance and resources they need to take the next step in their lives.